Bubble Burst


A perfect day with a sad ending

We’d had a fantastic 10 days, 2 very enjoyable weekends exploring the area on foot, checking out local cafes for breakfast and lunch.
On Monday I’d walked along the beach, practised some yoga, had a sneaky private skinny dip and collected a few more shells, while Paul worked. When I returned to the van the camperfamily1410 were asking when I was going to teach them macrame. 
? So I spent the afternoon sitting on the sand teaching them, they were pleased with their creations. In the evening we had a BBQ with Mark, Susan & Jergan and the boys.

The GNR had parked next to us around lunchtime and just stood about for a while, they didn’t approach us or say anything. Later, after we’d all had too much to drink another GNR arrived about 7pm and told us it was forbidden to park there. He gave very mixed messages suggesting that he just had to tell us but he wouldn’t be back.

3am and the GNR are knocking on our windows, with their sirens on and blue lights flashing. The message was ‘be gone by 7am when we’ll be back issuing fines’

So we all dispersed, we said our goodbyes to Susan, Jergan and the boys. They were heading west to discover Portugal. Mark was heading to Tarifa so we waved him off saying see you there.

Vans not welcome in the Algarve

Fines were issued to some vanners who decided to risk it. Portugal was becoming less and less van friendly, particularly in the Algarve region. Vans were being increasingly moved on by the GNR and we’d heard many reports of vans being vandalised by locals, being spray painted and windows smashed

Tarifa here we come

Tarifa was always our ultimate planned destination for this trip. We  decided to say goodbye to Portugal for now and make a run for Spain and headed straight there....

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