Monthly Archives: October 2020

Mont St Michel

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  • 6F9BEB14-FB11-4247-8982-4F4D5D2A7B25

We’ve, Left at Last

So the van got fixed and we were able to get the ferry on Thursday 8th October. ? Gale force winds created an interesting crossing?but thanks to some travel sickness tablets no one was sick, what a relief ?. We got on the road and started driving south with no fixed plan. Seeing a road…
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Delayed Departure!

Today should have been departure day, until our van had a little mishap on Wednesday! Whilst sharply pulling over in a car park to, ‘express his displeasure’ to a gentleman who pulled into a parking bay as Paul was reversing in into it; pink power steering fluid gushed onto the tarmac! Long story short, the…
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